Minutes from Kalida Fish & Game meetings

December 12, 2018

There were 93 members present. 

The next Extravaganza meeting is January 13.  We could use extra help getting the flyers ready to mail to last years' ticket buyers.

The kitchen committee has had someone step forward and donate the materials and labor for free if we do the remodel. 

We have prices on purchasing a disc for our food plots.  It was tabled until the next officers and trustee meeting for further review.

We held election of officers:  President - Doug Bockrath; Vice President - Ryan Wehri; Treasurer - Roger Giesige; Secretary - Alan Miller.


November 14, 2018

There were 80 members present.

The tickets for next year's Extravaganza are available.

The kitchen committee held its first meeting.  They are considering doing a remodel of the kitchen and kitchen area instead of new building addition.

There was a motion approved by majority vote to go ahead with the wetlands project.  The Club is looking into purchasing a piece of tillage equipment to use on food plots.

The Club will be holding 2 gun bingo drawing next year.


October 10, 2018

There were 93 members present.

We will be having a mailing going out in November.  This mailing will include a list of Rules for the Club, as there have been members asking about different rules. 

It will also have tickets for next year's Extravaganza and a 2019 dues notice. 

There was a motion to purchase a new mower for the club.  The motion carried by majority vote.

The youth pheasant hunt will be October 27 at the club.


September 12, 2018

There were 78 members present.

There was a motion approved to go into a partnership with the soil and water division to build a wetlands on our property in the near future.

The first meeting for next year's Extravaganza will be held September 30 at 2 p.m.  We are looking for some new faces and new ideas for next year.


August 11, 2018

There were 78 members present. 

There were representatives from Ottoville Fire Department at the meeting.  They are selling gun raffle tickets to raise money for a 911 memorial at the fire station.  The officers and trustees approved buying 10 tickets at $20.00 each.

We will have more information on a donation approved at the July meeting, due to the fact that only 1 officer was present at this meeting.


July 11, 2018

There were 79 members present.

The profit from the Extravaganze should be about the same as last year.

We will be getting signs to put up at all ponds stating the rules.  We recently had someone on Lake Charlie with a gas engine, which is not allowed.

We are looking for new projects to start in the near future.  We are currently considering 3 projects:  Build a new scout house, remodel and add on to the kitchen, clean up ponds.  Any suggestions are welcome to an officer or trustee.


June 13, 2018

The food plots are all planted on the grounds.  There are also corn plots planted on the new field across the road. 

We had new members at the meeting.  President Bockrath asked them to stand and be recognized.

Mark Wehri gave an Extravaganza update.  He stated that we had a very successful event.  He thank everyone who helped with the event to make it successful. 


May 9, 2018

There were 98 members present.

The rifle range is open and ready to be used.  There is a stapler and staples provided by club to use for targets.  It is located under the shooting shelter in a metal box on the front post. 

There is some intrest in doing a bow shoot again.  It was decided that if we can get at least 5 or 6 member committee to run it that it would be okay.  If anyone interested, please contact an officer or trustee.

The Extravaganza is June 9.  We will be setting up and getting ready the week prior.  Any additional help is appreciated as this is our largest event of the year and everyone's help is needed.


April 11, 2018

There were 100 members present.

The rifle range should be open by the end of April if everything goes according to schedule.

We stocked the ponds with fish again this year.  We could only get bluegill because the perch were too small.

The Smelth Fry is May 11.  We are looking for members to help at the event.  please contact an officer or trustee if you can help.

We will be having a work night June 6 at the Club.  We will be getting the grounds ready for the Extravaganza.  Please come out and help if you are available.


March 14, 2018

There were 98 members present.

The Early Bird Drawing had a very good turnout, with excellent ticket turn-in.

Pheasants Forever placed a seed order for the Club to use in our food plots this spring.

Putnam County Wildlife Office gave a report on the proposed hunting changes the DNR is discussing about doing for the fall hunting season.

There was a motion passed to purchase 2 new TVs for the Club, to use at the Extravaganza and also for future gun bingo nites.

Gun Bingo was very successful.  We will be having more gun bingos in the future; there will be an update when a date is decided.


February 14, 2018

There were 91 members present.

President Bockrath thanked everyone who helped clean the kitchen, this will be done thoroughly every fall.

We will be stocking the ponds again this fall.  We will also be doing some weed control.

The Early Bird drawing is March 4.  There will be a BBQ chicken dinner as well, $8.00 each.

Anyone interested in a Big Buck or Little Buck sponorship for the Extravaganza, please contact a trustee, officer or committee member.

It was voted on and approved for $1500 sponsorship for the Pheasant Forever banquet in March.


January 10, 2018

There were 115 members present.

The Early Bird Drawing for the Extravaganza is March 4.  Tickets, brochures and posters are available from any committee member. 

We took on new members at the meeting.  They were asked to stand and the club welcomed them.

We held election of 4 trustees to serve a 2-year term.  They are:  Randy Warnecke, Randy Saum, Dan Wehri and Bill Gerding.

The Gun Bingo scheduled for February 24 is sold out.   However, if you would like to help at the event contact Roger Giesige.


November 8, 2017

There were 80 members present.

Jason Ricker gave an update on the Youth Pheasant Hunt.  He stated there were 85 youth participants and we had enough dogs and handlers to make the ratio of 3 or 4 per dog.   President Sharp and Jason thanked everyone who helped at the event, including the landowners who gave permission to hunt their property.

The 2018 Extravagaza tickets will be available shortly.  We have something new in store for the 1st place prize this year.

The Club will also be hosting a new event in February - Gun Bingo.  Limited tickets available in the near future



October 11, 2017

There were 95 members present.

The Extravaganza committee had their first meeting.  They have decided to change the big prize up this year; they will be coming out with details of the change in the near future.

The next Extravaganza meeting is October 29 at 2:00 p.m.

The youth pheasant hunt is October 28.  The hall opens at 6:00 a.m.  We coud use some help setting out birds and also with food.  There will be a breakfast and lunch.  The kids will get free hats and T-shirts.  The hunt starts at 8:00 a.m.  There are limited spots available for the youth hunters.  Please sign up early - contact Jason Ricker, Cliff Wieging or Dave Nienberg for information


September 13, 2017

There were 102 members present.

Our Putnam County Wildlife Officer was present to discuss the importance of being careful during the hunting season.  He also stated that hunters falling out of tree stands was the number 1 hunter accident.

The dove hunt at the Club was very successful; we had nearly 80 participants.

The officres and trustees would like to thank everyone who worked or helped at the Pioneer card stand.

The youth pheasant hunt will be held October 28.  If you need information, contact Jason Ricker, Kyle Westbeld or Dave Nienberg.

The rifle range will be closed until further notice.


August 8, 2017

There were 84 members present.

The Putnam County Wildlife Officer was present. He went over the hunting law changes for this fall.  There will be a fall turkey season this year.

There were 2 guests from the DNR present.  They explained the process of management for the state-owned properties, the main reason they are letting the ground to be farmed for 3 years is for weed control.   The farmer has to follow a strict set of guidelines.

The Hunter Safety course for August 25 and 26 has been cancelled. 

There will be a youth and veteran dove hunt here at the club on September 2 and 3.  Check-in starts at 7:30.  Breakfast and lunch are provided. 

We will need some help running the Pioneer card stand.  If you can help, please contact an office or trustee and let them know what shift you are available.


July 12, 2017

There were 78 members present.

We are getting quotes from members to put a new steel roof on the shelter house at Lake Charlie.  If you are a member and want to give a bid for the job, contact one of the officers or trustees.

There was a motion to have the Extravaganza next year.  Motion carried by majority vote.


April 12, 2017

There were 98 members present.

There are a lot of Extravaganza tickets out.  Please try and turn them in as soon as possible.

We are stocking fish in the ponds this spring.  Again, please practice catch and release as much as possible.

The trees are planted in the new field across the road.  President Sharp thanked everyone who helped.

The fish and smelt fry will be May 12 starting at 5:30 pm.  We could still use some help on some of the shifts.

The June regular business meeting will be 1 week early, June 7.  We moved this meeting in order to get extra help for setting of the Extravaganza. 


March 8, 2017

There were 115 members present.

The Early Bird Drawning was successful and President Sharp thanked everyone who helped that day.

The top 5 prizes for the Extravaganza are on display here at the Club.

We will be planting 4 rows of trees arond the new field across the road later this month, as well as putting food plots out when the ground is dry enough.

We sent some applications to the state to try and get matching funds for some activities here at the Club.

The new janitor for the Club is Dick Thompson.  The officers and trustees thank Don Bendele for all his years of dedication and service.


February 8, 2017

There were 91 members present.

The Early Bird Drwing for Extravaganza is March 5.  There will be a chicken BBQ and also side raffles.  We are drawing ten $100 winners.

Please get tickets in to be eligible for the Early Bird Drawing.

Nick Cleemput was present regarding an Eagle Scout project.  He would like to do his project at the Club.  He explained his idea of a 3-flag pole display with a cement slab and landscaping.  Electric will also be run to display the flags. 

We had a representative from the Black Swamp Pheasants Forever present, who explained their upcoming banquet . It was decided the Club would do a sponsorship package again this year.


January 11, 2017

There were 130 members present.

Mark Wehri gave an extravaganza update.  We will be sending a mailer to everyone who purchased tickets last year.

Any member who bought a sponsorship tree along the driveway needs to contact Kurt Hohlbein regarding information for the plaque.

Jeff Nordhaus gave an update on the lakes.  We will be stocking fish in the ponds later this spring.

The Club is looking for a new janitor to take care of the Club.  Don is stepping down in the near future.  If anyone is interested, please contact an officer or a trustee.

Anyone wishing to rent the hall needs to come to an officer and trustee meeting before the booking will occur. 

Election of 4 trustees serving a 2-year term:  Brian Siefker, Rick Warnecke, Mike Turnwald, Ashley Stechschulte.


December 14, 2016

There were 101 members present.

The Reverse Draw was very successful this year; we had a record year for profit from this event.

The next Extravaganza meeting will be January 15, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.  We could use some extra help at the meeting as we will be sending a mailer out to all the persons who bought tickets last year.

Election of officers:  President - John Sharp; Vice President - Kurt Hohlbein; Treasurer - Roger Giesige; Secretary - Alan Miller.


November 9, 2016

There were 86 memberts present. 

We will be having tickets, brochures and sponsorship forms available in about 2 weeks.  There will be 5 top prices his year instead of 4.

The Youth Pheasant Hunt was a huge success.  We had 75 youth participate in the event (the single largest young hunt held in the state this year).  Ths officers and trustees would like to thank the Pheasant Forever, dog handlers and all the volunteers who helped make this a success for the youth.

The club will be having stickers made for members to have so we can tell if the people using the grounds have memberships.  These stickers will be avilable at the regular meeting and from an officer or trustee.


October 12, 2016

There were 88 members present.

We have received the official letter from the IRS stating that we are tax-exempt organization.

The next extravaganza meeting is Sunday, October 16, 2016.

The November extravaganza meeting will be November 6, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.

The Youth Pheasant Hunt is October 29, 2016.  We could use some help setting the birds out for the hunt.  The birds will be set out starting at 6:00 a.m.

There will be raffle prizes and a free pheasant cleaning demonstration for the kids.


September 14, 2016

There were 89 members present.

There will be a Youth Pheasant Hunt at the Club again this year.  The date is October 29.  If you have any questions, or if you have a dog that can be used that day, please call Jason Ricker.  We are also looking for land to sit the pheasants on for the kids to hunt.  The Club is teaming up with the local Pheasants Forever Club to help sonsorthe event that day. 

The Kalida High School cross country team will be holding their annual invitational at the Club October 1.  The rifle range will be closed that day.

The meetings for the 2017 Extravaganza are going to be held the first Sunday after every regular business meeting starting in September.  The meetings will start at 2:00.  We would like to see some new faces at the meetings.


August 10, 2016

There were 87 members present.

There was a motion to donate $1500.00 to the Kalida EMS and Fire Department from this years extravaganza profits.  Motion carried by majority vote.

There was amotion to have the extravaganza next year.  Motion carried by majority vote.

The rifle range will be reopened as soon as the security and rules of usage are posted.

We could use some help at Pioneer to run the card stand.  Please call an officer or trustee if you can help.


July 13, 2016

There were 101 members present.

The rifle range update is almost done.  The range should be open in 1 to 2 weeks.

The stone around Lake Charlie is completed.  President Sharp thanked all who helped on this project.

There was discussion regarding a donation to the Kalida Fire Department and Kalida EMS.  This issue was tabled until the next officers and trustees meeting.  The officers and trustees will come to the next meeting with a motion to be voted on.

There was a motion by President Sharp to donate $100.00 to the Defiance Senior Citizen Services.  Motion carried by majority vote.


June 8, 2016

There were 140 members present.

The Officers and Trustees have decided that there will be a designated area to plant a tree in memory of a deceased member.  There will be guidelines as to what kind of tree and where they will be planted. 

The rifle range wiill be closed until we have time to update the backstops.

We have 7 new members in June.  The membership is now full at 650 total members.  This means there wiill not be any more limited lifetime memberships until we drop below the limit.  Also, no new members.

Mark Wehri thanked everyone who came to help set up for the Extravaganza.


May 11, 2016

There were 108 members present.

Mark Wehri gave a short update on the Extravaganza.  There are going to be 5 extra prizes drawn out every hour once the drawning starts.  Everyone who has bought a ticket is eligible to win.  These prizes are not listed on the ticket.

There will be a vendor with Clydesdales at the event to transport guests around the parking lot.

There was a motion passed to put stones along the west bank of Lake Charlie.  We will be doing this instead of buying a new mower this year.

There was a motion passed to have Buckeye Fabrication construct a new sign in front of the building.


April 13, 2016

There were 102 members present.

Thank you to everyone who made the Early Bird Drawing successful.

The County Pool Tournament was also successful and thanks to everyone who helped out.

The Club has stocked approximately 2000 new fish in the ponds this spring.

The Putnam County Wildlife Officer was present and stated the Wildlife District if trying to get more information from the sportsmen out in the field and will be doing surveys to get more information.

The Club will be purchasing $450 worth of quail to be released at the club and surrounding area.


March 9, 2016

There were 126 members present.

The Early Bird drawing is March 13, 2016.  We will have all 4 top prizes on display.

We are still taking Little Buck and Big Buck sponsors for the extravaganza.

We have a new bullentin board at the club; it has all 2016 worklists posted.  We would appreciate members signing up to help or call an office or trustee to get the work times and dates.


February 10, 2016

There were 89 members present.

The Early Bird Drawning for the Extravaganza will be March 13, 2016.  There will be a chicken BBQ from 11:00 until gone.  The price is $8.00.  There will also be ten $100.00 winners drawn that day.

There was a motion to donate $500.00 to the Putnam County Historical Society for their new building project.  Motion carried by majority vote.

There was a motion to donate a gun to the Pheasants Forever for their banquet next month.  Motion carried by majority vote.


January 13, 2016

There were 115 members present.

The Chicken and Fish Fry was very successful, thanks to everyone who helped.

The Club will be having a Nascar Party on February 21, 2016.  If any members are interested please contact an officer or trustee.

President Sharp read the names of 20 new members and asked them to stand to be recognized.

We held election of 4 trustee positions.  These 4 members will serve a 2-year term:  Randy Saum, Randy Warnecke, Bill Gerding, and Dan Wehri.


December 9, 2015

There were 101 members present.

President Sharp thanked everyone who helped make the Reverse Draw a success.

We held election of officers for 2016:  President:  John Sharp; Vice President:  Kurt Hohlbein; Treasurer, Roger Giesige; Secretary, Alan Miller

We will hold election of 4 trustees at the January meeting.


November 11, 2015

There were 88 members present.

We have tickets, brochures and posters availiable for the 2016 Extravaganza.  If any member needs any of these items, please contact a committee member.  We need every club member to help in keeping this event successful.

The annual Chicken and Fish Fry is December 11, 2015.  We could use some additional member participation to make this a success.


October 14, 2015

There were 96 members present.

The Extravaganza ticket for next year will have 4 big prizes.  There will stil be 50 guns.  There will also be 10 Early Bird winners of $100.00 instead of 6.

The new tile floor in the restrooms and hallway has been installed.

The Youth Pheasant Hunt was very successful.  We had 76 youth participate and we hope to make this event bigger and better for next year.  The Club would like to thank everyone who helped make this a successful event.


September 9, 2015

There were 87 members present at the meeting.

The new tile floor for the restrooms will be installed the week of October 3 to 11.

There was a motion to help pay for the Kalida Boy Scouts new trailer.  The amount to pay after trade-in will be approximately $1500.00.  It was decided the Club would pay the whole amount to help the scouts out.

The Pete Rose autographed jersey the club won on the gun ticket will be auctioned off at next year's extravaganza.  All the money will be donated to the Band of Heroes organization.


August 12, 2015

There were 105 members present at the meeting.

We have gotten 3 estimates to tile the bathroom floors.  There was a proposal to go ahead and do the floors; it passed by majority vote.

The final numbers on the profit from this year's extravaganza are in. We did approximately the same profit as last year.


July 8, 2015

There were 95 members present.

The Extravaganza was very successful.  The profit should be about the same as last year.

There was a motion made and passed to have the committee plan for next years event.

One lucky member that was signed in at the meeting won over $600.


June 10, 2015

There were 124 members present.

We took on 20 new members.  President Sharp asked the new members that were present to stand and be recognized.

President Sharp thanked everyone who came out early to help set up for the Extravaganza.

There was discussion about the criteria for the military gun raffle at the Extravaganza.  It was decided to table the discussion for this year and look at the criteria before next years event.


May 13, 2015

There were 97 members present.

There were quail released on the grounds recently.  If anybody is interested in getting quail to release, contact Dick Gerdeman.

We will be setting up for the Extravaganza at the regular meeting on June 10.  Please come out early and help.

We will be out at the Club the week of June 8 working on preparations for the Extravaganza.  Feel free to come out if you can.

Theh workers appreciation night is scheduled for June 20.  It will start at 5:00 p.m.  Anyone who has helped in the last year at the club is invited out.  Families are welcome.



March 11, 2015

There were 106 members present.

The Early Bird Drawing for the Extravaganza was very successful.  We sold out of chicken - thanks to everyone who help make this a success.

We will be giving away 2 Big Buck Sponsor guns this year instead of 1; they will be the same gun.  We will also be giving a gun away to a military veteran the day of the event.

We will have to change the name of the club in the near future.  We are looking for ideas and suggestions from members on a new name.



February 11, 2015

There were 110 members present at the meeting.

There was a proposal to set aside $5,000 combined each year for pond stocking and weed control.  The motion carried by  majority vote.

There was also a motion to donate $1,000 to local organizations out of the profit made from the Extravaganza.  The motion carried by majority vote.  The 3 organizations are Kalida EMS, Kalide Fire Department, and Challenged Champions.

We are having a chicken BBQ at the Early Bird Drawning on March 8, 2015, price $7.00 per dinner

January 14, 2015

There were 103 members present.

The land purchase paperwork is final and we now own an additional 35 acres of property.

We are working on plans for the Extravaganza in June.  The Early Bird Drawing with 6 $100 winners will be held March 8, 2015.  We will also be having a chicken BBQ with dinners $7.00. 

The website has been updated with the prozed and list of guns.

We held election of trustees.  The 4 trustees serving a 2-year term are Ashley Stechschulte, Rick Warnecke, Mike Turnwald, Brian Siefker



December 10, 2014

There were 91 members present at the meeting.

We held out annual Chicken and Fish Fry on December 12 and had a very good turnout.

The next Extravaganza meeting for 2015 will be held on January 4, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.  We would like to see some new faces from members at the meeting.

We held the election of officers for 2015:  President:  John Sharp; V. President:  Duane Schreiber; Treasurer:  Roger Giesige; Secretary:  Alan Miller.


November 12, 2014

There were 76 members present.

We had a very successful Reverse Drawing.   Thanks to everyone who helped out.

We have brochures, tickets, sponsorship forms, and posters available for next years Extravaganza.

The Youth Pheasant Hunt was also a success.  We had 36 yourths participate.

Our annual Chicken and Fish Fry will be held 12/12/2014.


October 8, 2014

There were 98 members present at the meeting.

We will be having the tickets for the 2015 extravaganza available in the near future.

Wew ill be having the Youth Pheasant Hunt on October 25.  If you have any questions, contact Mike Gerding.

There was a motion passed to donate to Nathan Meyers Eagle Scout project at the Union Township cemetary up town in Kalida.

We will be having the Fish and Chicken Fry on Friday, December 12, 2014.


September 10, 2014

There were 97 members present.

We will be having Extravaganza meetings starting in October to get ready for next year's event.

President Sharp thanked everyone who worked at the card stand during Pioneer Days.

There was discussion about the possibility of the Club purchasing additional land from one or our neighbors.  This land is adjacent to land we already own.  There was a motion and a second to go ahead and purchase the additional 35 acres.  Motion carried by majority vote.

Youth Pheasant Hunt is approaching.  Contact Mike Gerding.

August 13, 2014

There were 81 members present.

We could use some help at Pioneer Days to run the card stand.  Please call an officer or trustee if you can help.

There was a motion passed to donate $300.00 for the duck races at Pioneer.

There was a motion passed to buy 5 gun tickets from the Ft. Jennings Park Board


July 9, 2014

There were 90 members present.

There was a motion made to have the Extravaganza next year.  The motion carried by majority vote.

President Sharp thanked everyone who helped this year and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

There was a motion made and approved to install security cameras in the building and on the graounds of the club.

There was discussion about updating several backstops on the rifle range.

June 11, 2014

There were 120 members presen at the meeting.

We announced the 20 new members and asked them to stand and be recognized if they were present.

The meeting was cut short to allow time to set up for the Extravaganza.

The officers and trustees wish to thank everybody who helped with the Extravaganza, including members and non-members who volunteered their time.


May 14, 2014

There were 93 members present at the meeting.

President Sharp thanked everyone who helped at the Smelt Fry, a very successful event.

We will be having 2 work nights at the Club.  These work nights are to help get the grounds ready for the Extravaganza.  They are May 21, 2014 and June 4, 2014, starting at 6:00 p.m. 

The regular business meeting on June 11, 2014 will start at 6:30 p.m.  This will give us time to help get things ready for the Extravaganza.   We will be at the Club every night the week of the Extravaganza getting ready.  The committee invites everyone out to help if they can.


April 9, 2014

There were 97 members present.

The county pool tournament was a successful event for the club.

There was discussion on getting security cameras at the club.  Officers and trustees wilil get estimates.

We will be planting more food plots this year.

The annual Smelt Fry is May 9, 2014.  Please call an offider or trustee if you can help.

We still need help at the Extravaganza in June.  Please contact committee if you can help.


March 12, 2014

There were 68 members present.

Mark Wehri gave an update on the Early Bird Drawing and chicken BBQ.  He stated that the ticket turn-in was very good. He also said that we sold over 350 chicken halves.  Thanks to everyone who helped.

Our annual Smelt and Fish Fry will be held May 9, 2014.  We need some members to sign up to help at the event.  Please contact an officer or trustee if you can help.


February 12, 2014

There were 95 members present.

The Early Bird ticket turn-in and drawing for this years extravaganza will be March 9, 2014.  There will be six $100 winners drawn out.  We will also be having a chicken BBQ that day from 11:00 a.m. until chicken is gone.  There will also be drawings and door prizes.

Putnam County wildlife officer was at the metting and discussed proposed hunting law changes for next year's season.


January 8, 2014

There were 77 members present.

There was a proposal by the Lakes Committee to get money for fish to put in the pond this spring.  The proposal was for $3500.00, passed by majority vote

We added 20 new members at the meeting.

We held the election of Trustees for a 2-year term, the include:  Randy Saum, Randy Warnecke, Bill Gerding, Dan Wehri


December 11, 2013

There were 89 members present.

The next extravaganza meeting is January 5, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.  We would like to see some new faces on the committee.

We recently discovered 4 new picnic tables missing from the maintenance building.  They are green in color.  Please let an officer or trustee know if you see or hear anything about them.

We held election of officers for 2014:  President:  John Sharp; Vice President:  Dave Schimmoeller; Treasurer:  Roger Giesige; Secretary:  Alan Miller.

We will be holding election of 4 trustees at the January meeting.


November 13, 2012

There were 70 members present.

The Reverse Draw was very successful.  Thank you to everyone who helped at the event.

We have brochures, flyers, and sponsorship forms available for the 2014 Gun Extravaganza. 

The Club wishes everyone a safe hunting season and also Happy Holidays!

October 9, 2013

There were 90 members present at the meeting.

The ticket prizes for next year's June 14, 201 Gun Extravaganza are set.

The first prize will be a new 2014 Jeep Wrangler.

The second prize will be a 29' camper by Jayco.

Tickets are available to sell.  Contact any member of the extravaganza committee to obtain tickets.


September 11, 2013

There were 80 members present.

The officers and trustees would like to thank everyone who worked at the card stand at Pioneer.

There will be a youth pheasant hunt held by the Club on October 26.  If you need more information, call Mike or Bill Gerding.


August 14, 2013

There were 76 members present.

There was discussion about the wagon in the barn.  It was decided to put the wagon in the next mailing.

There was a motion to buy new picnic tables.  Motion carried.

There was a motion to sponsor a duck at Pioneer Days.  Motion carried.

There was a motion to pay for the quail that were released to the club grounds.  Motion carried.


July 10, 2013

There were 79 members present.

VP schimmoeller gave an update on the  upgrades make to the rifle range.  He thanked Bill Gerding for the use of his equipment to get all the work done.  He also asked that when using the rifle range to please pick up your trash and used shells.  There is a dumpster right beside the range for trash and shells.

The Putnam County wildlife officer spoke about several changes to the new deer hunting season.  The new regulation book should be available shortly.


June 12, 2013

There were 78 members present. 

The club has made a monetary donation to two local organizations; the Challenged Equestrian Center and also the Putnam County Task Force for Youth. 

The Extravaganza was very successful.  THere were approximately 1,300 people who went through the gate.  The Extravaganza committee thanked everyone who helped this year.  We look forward to seeing all our members next year at the event. 

Special thanks to several members of the Extravaganza committee for all their hard work.

President Sharp also noted the officers and trustees appreciate all the hard work the committee did.



May 8, 2013

There were 91 members present. 

VP Schimmoeller noted that there will be several upgrades to the rifle range made in the near future. 

We could still use some help on the worklist for the Extravaganza.  We also have shirts and T-shirts with the Fish & Game logo on them for sale.

The pool tournament that was held at the club in April was successful.  The officers and trustees would like to thank everybody that helped at the event.


April 10, 2013

There were 75 members present.

Pool tournament was held at the Club, was a success.  Thanks to the members who helped.

There is an opportunity for several members to receive free dues.  Please check with an officer or trustee to get details.

We could use some help from the membership to work the Smelt Fry.



March 13, 2013

There were 110 members present at the meeting.

The Early Bird/Chicken BBQ was very successful.

There was a motion passed to have All-Service Glass replace the two remaining walk-in doors that have not yet been replaced.


February 2013

There were 89 members present at the metting.

We passed a motion to buy fish to stock ponds this spring.

We passed a motion to get a new sound system for inside the building.

We passed a motion to do a sponsorship at the Rocky Mountain Elk Club Banquet.

Chicken BBQ March 10 at the Club, $7.00, while they last.


January 1, 2013

There were 103 members present

We welcomed 20 new members to the club.

We will be having a chicken BBQ on March 10; this will go along with the Early Bird Drawing for the Gun Extravaganza.

We held the Election of Trustees.  The four trustees  serving a two-year term are:  Scott Vorst, Rick Warnecke, Mike Turnwald, Brian Siefker.


December 12, 2012

There were 92 members present.

We held the election of officers for 2013:  President:  John Sharp; Vice President:  Dave Schimmoeller; Treasurer:  Roger Giesige; Secretary:  Alan Miller.

All-Service Glass will be installing the new doors in the next two to three weeks.


November 14, 2012

There were 76 members present.

The Gun Show held at the Club in October was successful.  We will be looking for a future date to have another one.

Extravaganza tickets are available for sale.  Contact anyone on the committee for tickets.

We will be having our annual December Fish and Chicken Fry on December 14, 2012.  Please come out and help, and enjoy the friendship of the other members.

The Youth Pheasant Hunt was successful.  We will be trying to have another one this year if we can get enough help to do the event.


October 10th meeting

There were 78 members present.

There will be a Youth Pheasant Hunt at the Club on October 27.  Contact Bill or Mike Gerding to sign up.

The Extravaganza tickets will be available for sale in the near future.  The prizes are bigger and better than last year.

The Club Reverse Draw wiill be held on November 10.  There are a few tickets available.  Contact Roger Giesige.



September 12th meeting

There were 94 members present.  The Reverse Draw is November 10 and we will need some help from the members.  Tickets are available by contacting Roger Giesiege.  Setup for the gun show is October 18.  There will be a work day in the near future.  There is a new mount on the wall with fish that were caught in Lake Charlie, donated by Ken Bellmann.  We held a vote on the By-Law change regarding limited lifetime members.  This passed by majority vote. 

August 12th meeting

Meeting was set up with the Glandorf Lumber for replacment of the club house doors.
There will be a mailer going out for proposed by law change.
There will be a vote at the September meeting for the by law change.
There will be a Gun show October 20th and 21st at the club house.
Conntact Ron Dietrich at Tri-R Guns if able to help.

July 12th meeting
74 members preasent at meeting.
Repersentative from the NRA was present to disscuss thier involment in the club.
The officers and trustee working on the by law change.
Conntact Dave Schimmoller to order club apparal.
A benefit will be held at the club house for Anne Ketchum.

June 12th meeting
89 member preasent at meeting.
This years Extravaganza was a sucsess thanks to all the people that helped.
Gary Krouse stated that the Greenburgs township will be using the club house for elections.
Recived a thank you from Kalida Park Committee for the use for the last three Reverse Draws.
Discussion about getting the Culb apparal shirts, coats, hats etc.