2024 Gun Extravaganza
- Kerri Krugh
- Todd Wallace
- Chuck Lambert
- Brandon Clemants
- Jerry Bruce
- Chris Nichols
- Roger Giesige
- Pat Trentman
- Greg Hohenbrink
- Mark Bockrath
- Dale Winkle
- Ron Miehls
- Hanneman Furs
- Glen Smith
- Buck Vorst
2024 Gun Winners | ||
1 | Tim Amstutz | 12323 |
2 | Zach Smithey | 08577 |
3 | Matt Ryan | 08882 |
4 | Bryce Gerding | 12376 |
5 | Megan Schulte | 08403 |
6 | Jeff Earl | 11751 |
7 | Harry Williams | 01054 |
8 | Brookys | 10101 |
9 | Seth Brase | 13112 |
10 | oogle schnipke | 10059 |
11 | Chris Healy | 02183 |
12 | Steve Burgei | 03288 |
13 | Gary Byrne | 04960 |
14 | Mike Schondel | 02113 |
15 | Andrea Janka | 06997 |
16 | Leroy Hermiller | 10836 |
17 | Scott Hoepf | 10207 |
18 | Bernice Verhoff | 07677 |
19 | Gary Fortman | 09496 |
20 | Wes Foust | 09281 |
21 | Troy Dallenbach | 11937 |
22 | Scott Hoef | 10207 |
23 | Gary Vonder Emerse | 04108 |
24 | J.L. Wannemacher | 09268 |
25 | phil karhoff | 05693 |
26 | Donna Scott | 09142 |
27 | Josh Wehri | 10675 |
28 | Bill Kramer | 08780 |
29 | Frank Thome | 02171 |
30 | Ginny Wehri | 01001 |
31 | Brad Daman | 02559 |
32 | Brian Campbell | 11185 |
33 | Leonard Moening | 10805 |
34 | john riepenhold | 03469 |
35 | Tim Wehri | 01930 |
36 | Deb Lambert | 04012 |
37 | Cody Houston | 10618 |
38 | Mitch Adams | 13302 |
39 | Terry Warnecke | 08975 |
40 | Gene Halker | 01157 |
41 | Jeff Deter | 09534 |
42 | Franks Fails | 00819 |
43 | Dillon Sensabaugh | 13123 |
44 | Pond Seed Company | 10063 |
45 | Melissa Madison | 12047 |
46 | Tim Kelly | 02291 |
47 | Steve Steinke | 00532 |
48 | Kalida Truck Euipment | 00010 |
49 | James Foppe | 03010 |
50 | Chad Moody | 10941 |
Grand Prize | Pamela Mass | 03320 |
2nd Prize | Ron Beining | 07079 |
3rd Prize | Bryan Shaw | 03601 |
4th Prize | Nelson Giesge Sr. | 10955 |
5th Prize | Bob and Marilyn Hoffman | 7192 |
6th Prize | Don Ellerbrock | 2380 |
7th Prize | Unverferth Mfg | 09234 |
8th Prize | Paul Niemeyer | 03053 |
9th Prize | Justin Laudick | 04339 |
10th Prize | Dennis Rieman | 6291 |
11th Prize | Amy Wannemacher | 11476 |
12th Prize | Jill Miller | 1945 |
Saturday, June 8, 2024
To purchase tickets go to: https://extravaganza.ticketbud.com/2024
Trophy Buck Sponsors:
- Buckeye Custom Fab, Inc. - Fort Jennings, OH (419-532-2899) - https://www.facebook.com/BuckeyeCustomFabrication/
- Unverferth Manufacturing - Kalida, OH (419-532-3121) - https://unverferth.com
- Continental American Legion Post 541 - Continental, OH (419-596-3560) - https://legionpost541.com
- Ottoville Lumber Company - Ottoville, OH (419-453-3335) - https://www.ottovillelumber.com
- Advanced Insurance Group - Ottoville, OH (419-771-1747) - Https://advancedinsgroup.com
- M and W Construction Enterprises - Lime, OH (419-615-8255) - https://www.facebook.com/people/MW-Construction-Enterprises-LLC/100066565007928/
- AmVets 698 - Middle Point, Ohio (419-968-2449) - https://www.ohamvets.org/post-698
- Justop Tools - Leipsic, Ohio (419-722-5361) - https://www.facebook.com/JustopTools/
- AmVets 1991 - Defiance, Ohio (419-784-2356) - https://www.ohamvets.org/post-1991
Big Buck Sponsors:
- Stoepfel Drilling - Ottawa, OH (419-532-3307) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Stoepfel-Drilling-LLC/100078913775015/
- C & H Meats - Leipsic, OH (419-789-1458) - https://facebook.com/people/CH-MEATS/100087585511368/
- Northwest Building Resources - Fort Jennings, OH (419-286-5400) - https://www.northwestbuildingresources.com
- Brooky's - Ottawa, OH (419-538-7037) - https://facebook.com/brookys/
- Ben Breece Harley Davidson - Ottawa, OH (419-523-4274) - www.benbreecehd.com
- Kahle & Associates - Kalida, OH (419-532-1040) - https://www.kahlecpa.com
- Schnipke Contracting - Fort Jennings, OH - (419-303-9759)
- 1820 BrewWerks- Kalida, OH (419-532-2828) - https://1820brewwerks.com
- 3-M Contractors - Kalida, OH - (419-203-1483)
- Hanneman Brothers Furs - Columbus Grove, OH (419-532-3871)
- MetaLINK Technologies - Defiance, OH (888-999-8002) - https://www.metalink.net
- Vorst Operations - Fort Jennings, OH (419-303-3100)
- B. Cook & Son Plumbing & Heating - Wapakoneta, OH (419-738-8956) - https://bcookandson.com
- Nutrien AG Solutions - Ottawa, OH (419-523-3041) - https://nutrienagsolutions.com
- Tawa Tree Service - Ottawa, OH (419-523-9001) - https://www.tawatree.com
- Sand Ridge Excavating - Cloverdale, OH (419-596-5998) - https://sandridgeexcavating.com
- Kahle Supply & Feed Mill - Kalida, OH (419-532-3305) - www.kahlesupply.com
- Fortman's Auto & RV - Kalida, OH (419-532-3184) - https://www.fortmanrv.com
- Grant Insurance Agency - Continental, OH (419-596-3848) - https://www.grantinsurance.com
- Buckeye Application Sales & Service - Continental, OH (419-234-4092) - https://www.buckeyeapplication.com
- Village Hardware - Leipsic, OH (419-943-2501) - https://www.villagehardware.com
- JPS Oil - Continental, OH (419-596-3805) - https://www.jpsoilprop.com
- S & S Sanitation - Continental, OH (419-596-3805) - https://sssanitation.com
- H & K Chevy - Continental, OH (419-596-3808) - https://www.h-kchev.com
- Water Solutions - Ottawa, OH (419-523-6403) - https://www.watersolutionsohio.com
- Tom Ahl Family of Dealerships - Lima, OH (419-228-2345) - https://www.tomahl.com
- Ottoville Hardware & Furniture - Ottoville, OH (419-453-3338) - https://www.ottovillehardware.com
- Verhoff Machine & Welding - Continental, OH (419-596-3202) - https://www.verhoff.com
- Splash & Sparkle Car Wash - Kalida, OH (419-532-2265) - https://www.facebook.com/splashsparklecarwash/
- CCR Realtor - Elaine Wehri -(419-234-2254) - https://ccrrealtors.idxbroker.com/idx/agent/15864257/elaine-wehri
- Knippen Chrysler Dodge, Jeep, Ram - Delphos, OH (419-863-2562) - https://www.knippenchryslerdodgejeep.com
- Bowhunting Safari Consultants - Ottawa, OH (419-236-7703) - https://www.bowhuntingsafari.com
- Acme Machine - Fort Wayne, IN (800-471-6298) - https://www.acmemachine.com
- Truland Equipment - Van Wert, OH (419-238-1299) - https://www.trulandequip.com
- Hoersten's Power Washing Solutions - Fort Jennings, OH (419-302-5693) - https://www.facebook.com/HoerstensPowerWashingSolutionsLLC/
- Cranberry Creek Nursery & Landscaping - Ottawa, OH (419-538-6568) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Cranberry-Creek-Nursery-Landscaping/100057538295286/
- Schnipke Excavating & Concrete - Cloverdale, OH (419-234-2259) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Schnipke-Excavating-Concrete/100064956311106/
- Bruskotter Financial Services - Kalida, OH (419-532-2099) - https://bruskotterfinancialservices.com
- Remlinger Manufacturing - Kalida, Ohio (800-537-7370) - www.remlingermfg.com
- J.L. Wannemacher Sales and Service - Ottoville, OH (419-453-3445) - https://www.jlwannemacher.com
- Pitsenbarger Supply/Bell Auto Supply - Delphos, OH (419-692-1010) - https://www.carquest.com/locations/oh/delphos/5133/
- Moose Landing Country Club - Ottawa, OH 9419-532-3434) - https://mooselandingcc.com
- Power House Electric Supply - Ottawa, OH (419-523-6614) - https://powerhouse-ottawa.com
- G S Over Head Door Service - Fort Jennings, OH (419-302-0137) - https://www.facebook.com/people/GS-Overhead-Door-Service-LLC/100066894623512/
- Delphos Family Dentistry - Seth Askins - Delphos, OH (419-695-2766)
- Laudick Woodworks - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-516-7963)
- Glandorf Lumber - Glandorf, Ohio (419-538-6022) - https://www.glandorflumber.com
- Liebrecht Manufacturing & Land Drainage - Continental, Ohio (419-596-3501) - https://farmdrainage.com
- Cherry's Outdoor World - Ottawa, Ohio (419-456-3138) - www.cherrysoutdoorworld.com
- Cupp's Mobile Tool Sales - Defiance, Ohio (419-551-9728)
- Diller's Flooring & Interiors - Bluffton, Ohio (419-358-4545) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Diller-flooring-interior/100055436603278/
- Knueve & Sons Plumbing & Heating - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3699) - https://knueve.com
- Putnam Transport - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-2510)
- Sarka Electric, Heating & Plumbing - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3492) - www.sarkaelectric.com
- Warnecke Livestock - Findlay, Ohio (419-863-9390)
- Ottawa True Value - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-3197) - https://stores.truevalue.com/oh/ottawa/2775/
- Pandora Grain & Supply - Pandora, Ohio (419-643-4135) - www.pandoragrain.com
- Nienberg Body Shop - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-3430) - https://localmechanics.net/Ohio/Nienberg-Auto-Sales-Body-Shop-3359284
- Metal Coating & Lima Powder Coating - Lima, Ohio (419-229-4010) - https://metalcoatingcompany.com
- G & S Custom Tooling - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-235-2033)
- Millie's Cafe - Ottoville, Ohio (419-453-3043) - www.milliesottoville.com
- Ottawa Ordnance - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-4911) - www.ottawaordnance.com
- Kalida Market - Kalida, Ohio (532-3234) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Kalida-Market/100057549575777/
- Heffner Printing - Ottawa, Ohio 9419-969-5033)
- Grove Engineered Products - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-5939) - www.groveengineeredproducts.com
- Ken Lugibihl Truck Sales - Bluffton, Ohio (419-358-0745) - http://kenlugibihlauto.com
- B-K Tool and Design - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3890) - www.bktool.com
- CDM Property Maintenance - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-615-7548) - https://www.facebook.com/people/CDM-Property-Maintenance/100087055035311/
- Reineke RV of Lima - Lima, Ohio (419-228-9995) - www.reinekerv.com
- Farmers Equipment Sales - Elida, Ohio (419-339-7000) - https://farmerseq.com
- Nutrien Ag Solutions - Delphos, Ohio (419-695-1931) - https://nutrienagsolutions.com
- Hoffman Lawn & Landscaping - Ottawa, Ohio (419-532-2266)
- Kalida Telephone Co. - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3218) - https://kalidatel.com
- Schnipke Brother's Tire - Cloverdal, Ohio (419-532-3999) - https://www.facebook.com/SchnipkeBrothersTire
- Delphos Tent & Awning - Delpho, Ohio (419692-5779) - www.delphostentawning.com
- HG Violet Equipment - Delphos, Ohio (419-695-2000) - www.hgviolet.com
- Helena Agri Enterprises - Continental, Ohio (419-796-9002) - https://helenaagri.com
- Wibbys Bar & Grill - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-2500) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Wibby-Smiths-Sports-Bar-and-Grill/100063747963134/
- Manufactures Supply - Glandorf, Ohio (419-538-6548) - https://msupplyinfo.com
- BA Carts - Van Wert, Ohio (419-238-4345) - http://www.bacarts.com
- Over The Bridge Pottery - Sue Wehri - Fort Jennings, Ohio - 419-203-5625
- Steve Ferguson
- L-H Door Sales & Service Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-532-3977)
- Fort Fest - Fort Jennings, Ohio - https://fjfortfest.com
- Thirsty's Food & Spirits - Beaverdam, Ohio (419-643-8250) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Thirstys-Food-Spirits/100063587620386/
- Hoyt's Tavern - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3200) - https://hoytstavern.com
- Brinkman Sanitation - Ottawa, Ohio - (419-523-3726) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Brinkman-Sanitation-Rentals/100045582614281/
- Gerding Ditching - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-532-2340) - https://www.facebook.com/gerdingditchingllc/
- Ottawa Eagles #2234 - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-6637) - https://www.facebook.com/OttawaEagles/
- Erhart-Stechschulte Insurance - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3343) - https://erhartins.com
- Dicks Steak House - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3029) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Dicks-SteakHouse/100063507522682/
- 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics - Montpelier, Ohio (419-485-2020) - https://www.2020cmp.com
- Eickholt Elite Construction - Cloverdale, Ohio (419-969-0577)
- Cloverdale Game Club - Cloverdale, Ohio (419-488-3195) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Cloverdale-Game-Club/100093686523516/
- Kalida Truck Equipment - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3919) - https://www.kalidatruck.com
- Arby's - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-9463) - https://locations.arbys.com/oh/ottawa/1441-n-perry-st.html
- Maas Brothers Excavating & Drilling - Ottawa, Ohio (419-890-6555) - https://www.facebook.com/p/Maas-Brothers-100071069740151/
- F & S Concrete - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3909) - https://www.facebook.com/p/FS-Concrete-100063702634046/
- JML Amish Furniture - Ottawa, Ohio (419-615-7383) - https://www.facebook.com/p/JML-Amish-Furniture-LLC-100057687751499/
- Cloverdale Pub - Cloverdale, Ohio (419-488-2805) - https://www.facebook.com/CloverdalePub/
- Collier & Company Embroidery - Continental, Ohio (419-596-3774) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY0lHTLFD2M
- Pond Seed Company - Scott, Ohio (419-622-6141) - https://pondseedco.com
- Schroeder Roofing - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-670-7663) - https://www.schroederroof.com
- Kiene Recreation - Pandora, Ohio (419-384-3800) - https://www.kienerecreation.com
- Columbus Grove Eagles #2772 - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-5565) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Columbus-Grove-Eagles/100063709955571/
- R & B Meats - Continental, Ohio (419-596-3690)
- Hermiller Excavating - Ottawa, Ohio (419-969-4573) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Hermiller-Excavating-LLC/100057035966508/
- Miller's Construction - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-532-2437) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Jerry-Millers-Construction-Inc/100054351408694/
- Troy Rampe Construction - Kalida, Ohio (419-532-3516) - https://www.facebook.com/people/Troy-Rampe-Construction/100049736812655/
- Early Riser Farm
- Eickholt Brothers Home and Building Improvements - Fort Jennings, Ohio
- Superior Energy Solutions - Kalida, Ohio (419-890-8067) - https://senergys.com
- Farmhouse Market & Deli - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-303-4715) - https://www.facebook.com/FarmhouseMarketandDeli/
- Black Swamp Pheasant Forever - Putnam County, Ohio - https://www.facebook.com/BlackSwampPF/
- Art Warnecke - Care of Chuck Warnecke
- MNJ Finishing - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-615-5100)
- Craft Shak - Leipsic, Ohio 45856 (419-890-6800) - https://www.facebook.com/CraftShakOH/
Little Buck Sponsors:
- B. Kleman Construction - Cloverdale, OH (419-235-4686) - https://www.facebook.com/people/B-Kleman-Construction/100083357349823/
- Greg Brown Agency - Fort Jennings, OH (419-286-2660) - https://agency.nationwide.com/oh/fort-jennings/45844/g-a-brown-insurance-agency-inc
- Glandorf Warehouse - Ottawa, OH (419-538-6010) - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Glandorf%20Warehouse/126209270766350/
- Gerald Grain Center - Glandorf, Ohio (419-538-6521) - https://www.geraldgrain.com
- Rodabaugh Bros. Meats - Pandora, Ohio (419-384-7118) - https://www.rodabaughbrosmeats.com
- Stan's Repair - Ottawa, Ohio (419-532-3540) - https://stansautorepair.godaddysites.com
- The Scoop on Main - Glandorf, Ohio (419-538-5555) - https://scooponmain.com
- Indian Trail Garden Center - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-2885) - https://www.indiantrailgardencenter.com
- Halker's Bar and Grill - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-2036) - https://www.facebook.com/HalkersBarandGrill/
- Tabler's Drive Thru and Car Wash - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-5550) - https://tablers-drive-thru.edan.io
- Carl's Hardware and Flooring - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-659-5311) - https://www.facebook.com/carlshardware/
- Miller's Lunch - Columbus Grove, Ohio (429-659-2747) - https://www.facebook.com/MillersLunch1/
- Grove Dairy - Columbus Grove, Ohio - (419-659-2977)
- Massage by Lindsay - Ottoville, Ohio (419-296-0138) - https://www.facebook.com/LMTLindsay/
- Ottawa VFW Post 9142 - Ottawa, Ohio (419-523-5870) - https://www.facebook.com/Post9142/
- Lisa Hanenkratt Mobile Notary - Defiance, Ohio (419-576-7203)
- AutoSmart Chevrolet - Hamler, Ohio (419-866-539-8637) - https://www.autosmartchevy.com
- COL Jennings American Legion Post 715 - Fort Jennings, Ohio (419-286-2100) - https://www.facebook.com/legionpost715/
- Production Products - Columbus Grove, Ohio (419-500-3441) - https://midwayproducts.com/production-products-inc/
The Kalida Fish and Game would like to thank everyone for supporting this event over the years!
Kalida Fish and Game Executive Committee
Kalida Fish and Game Gun Extravaganza Committee
CONTACTS- Mark Wehri 419.615.8351 Heffner Printing 419.969.5033 Kevin Warnecke 419.302.4078 Gary Krouse 419.615.0205 Cherry’s Outdoor World 419.456.3138
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